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ZK Payment Engine

ZK Payment Engine


WeChain's ZK payment engine allows one user to prove to another that a statement is genuine without revealing excess information. Our ZK payment engine paves the way for more privacy and security across bank transfers, payments, and peer-to-peer transactions.


ZK Payment Engine

Decentralized Compliance and Security

Through a decentralized compliance engine governed by AI and secured by Zero-Knowledge Proofs, WeChain ensures WeFi’s users can access state-of-the-art financial services, infrastructure and capital without compromising their identity.

Decentralized Compliance and Security

ZK Payment Engine

Role of WeChain Nodes in Compliance

WeChain nodes power the compliance engine to ensure decentralization, making bureaucracy in decision-making infinitesimally small.

Role of WeChain Nodes in Compliance
  • Introduction Introduction
  • Decentralized Compliance and Security Decentralized Compliance and Security
  • Role of WeChain Nodes in Compliance Role of WeChain Nodes in Compliance

ITO - Initial Technology Offering

Run ITO Node

Join the WeChain network by purchasing an ITO node. Each node enables you to earn exclusive rewards and perks while supporting the optimization and security of WeChain. We aim to be a community-driven blockchain.

Run ITO Node

Powered by Cosmos SDK

WeChain enjoys unmatched interoperability, security and composability, allowing it to be shaped to become the best-fit crypto rail to support a borderless, permissionless and liberating financial infrastructure.

Powered by Cosmos SDK